Pension Health and Welfare Board Meeting Oct 24, 2024 PENSION Assets as of 9/30/24 $468,867,000 Compared to 3/31/24 $443,386,000 and 3/31/23 $392,520,000 3rd Quarter earnings 5.1 % for the period ending on 9/30/2024 One…

PPG Sells Architectural Coatings Business
PPG Sells Architectural Coatings Business By Kevin Hoffman American Paint Contractor Magazine PPG, the Pittsburgh-based global leader in paint and coatings (by revenue; Sherwin-Williams is #2), announced this morning that it is selling its U.S.…
Updated Silica Exposure Information
Two newly updated documents related to Silica Exposure and compliance with the OSHA updates standards. Please share with your teams. OSHA3902 Small Entity Compliance Guide 24 Evaluation of Silica During Drywall Sanding 24…
Pension, Health and Welfare Reporting for June 2024
PENSION As of 3/31/2024 $443,386,000 Up from 12/ 31/2023 - $420,991,000 and 3/31/2023 - $392,620,000 First Quarter earnings 5.8% for the period ending on 3/31/2024 One year Return on Investment - 15.5% Five-year Return on…
Updated Safety Manual
FCA International has made updates to their US Safety Manual in order to remain in line with the latest federal requirements. Updated: Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy OSHA Inspection Plan (penalty amounts) Emergency Action Program…